
Blended Minds is the exciting new home for my creative elearning talents.

As a freelance content designer, I enjoy designing great training solutions for clients using the best authoring tools and workflows. Experience helps bring storyboards to life and deliver results.

22+ years experience

My elearning journey began in 1998, an era before internet when floppy disks, CDs and VHS tapes were mainstream. Authoring tools were primitive but evolving rapidly and soon the internet would revolutionise every aspect of our lives.

With a vision to service the emerging elearning industry, I excitedly joined two like minded professionals and launched Instant Recall Australia Pty Ltd as Managing Director and Development Manager. Our business thrived as online learning exploded into life with an endless stream of new authoring tools and technology. Today the pace of evolution continues unabated.

In 2020 the Coronavirus forced the world into lockdown and it was right time for Instant Recall Australia to close after 22+ fabulous years together.

I’m excited to continue my elearning journey here at Blended Minds. Join me for the next chapter.

Past and present clients

After hours

Like everyone, there is a life beyond work. This gallery captures the essence of my happy place.


Thanks to my parents, camping is in my DNA and now shared with my family. In 15 years we’ve amassed 365+ nights in our camper trailer sharing wonderful adventures and collecting priceless memories.


The home page image is a randomly selected photo from our adventures around Australia.


Sometimes I lend my expertise to worthy projects beyond my business. Here are a few recent ones.


With a history of anxiety and IBS, my son Cameron is now enjoying better health while chasing an Ironman dream. I’m happy to join the training sessions and help document his story.


We need our local businesses. I’ve supported Cyclelink as a customer for 15 years. After the owner passed suddenly, I’ve stepped in to help out with a new website and improved social media presence. Buy local.

Cameron Campers

We love our Cameron Camper. Happy to support a proud Australian family business. Buy Australian made.